4 min read
Blessing for the Deceased
If you are feeling the loss of someone close to you, I offer you a blessing to the deceased to wish them well and find closure and healing.

8 min read
November: Release and Surrender
Nothing that we love is ever really lost. This month we may need to surrender something that will eventually come back in a different form.

11 min read
October Energy Forecast and a Message From Spirit About Power
These are exciting times! It is time to embrace our lives with joy and own our part in creating our lives.

6 min read
Guilt - The Sneaky Energy Vampire
Guilt is a sneaky emotion and can cause havoc in our lives if left unresolved. Identify some results of unhealed guilt and ways to heal.

7 min read
How Hidden Judgements Cause Havoc in our Lives
Holding onto judgements may be one reason why you are having trouble healing or breaking difficult patterns. Find out more!

4 min read
Welcome August!!
What does the energy look like for the month of August?

5 min read
Word Curses - Are They Real?
Are we affected by words spoken in angst in our direction even if we are not aware of those words? Here are some practical tips to consider.

5 min read
The Power of Words
You have probably heard this a thousand times or more, but today I want to remind you again of the power of the words you speak, the...

6 min read
June Thoughts and Themes
Last month we chatted about taking some time for some personal re-booting. I did just that! This fit in with the theme of May, a 3 month....

3 min read
The Importance of Personal Rebooting
We who have been walking a spiritual path for awhile sometimes get so caught up in our spiritual work and doing things in our own way to...