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Receiving Accurate Messages from Spirit

I have been receiving messages from the world of spirit for many years. I find that the Communicator Guides often send messages that, in my human frailty, I could easily misinterpret. The problem is not with the Guides!

I guess I have been reading Tarot cards now for over ten years.

In the beginning, I really was not interested in learning the cards. I had been delivering messages for years without them! I did not believe I needed the cards. However, my Guides were pretty insistent and finally I gave in. I am so glad I did!

At first, I did not even look up the traditional meanings of the cards. I completely relied on my intuition and the picture on the front to give a message. I still do this for the most part, although, after all these years, I have learned what the most universal or well-established meanings are for each of the cards. However, many times I find that one card can mean many things. And sometimes, what a card means is not at all what the message is!

Take the Ace of Cups.

Years ago, I was contacted by a client who believed she had been raped by a ghost. The evidence was there. She woke up one morning with bruises in places she could not explain. The bedspread under her was moist, and she felt violated. I drew a card. The Ace of Cups.

I could have said, hmmm perhaps yes you have been raped by a ghost. Something unseen has established a relationship with you. But no. Immediately I saw that some unknown substance was being placed in a drink. I asked her if she had been given a drink before bed by anyone. She emailed back saying my services were no longer required.

I could only assume that the mystery had been solved, or she was offended. I am not sure which.

Simply memorizing a list of meanings for cards is not going to assist you in delivering a message.

Spirit uses cards and other symbols to deliver messages but it is important that we open our minds and thoughts to other possibilities than the traditional way of looking at the cards or other divinatory techniques.

I once had a friend ask me about a home she was considering buying. Immediately I heard the words of a Christmas song, "Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go..." The house she ended up buying ended up being over a river, through some woods, and owned by a grandmother.

I always assume that the information that comes through in an intuitive reading is accurate, whether or not the querent recognizes the information. If something comes through that is not immediately recognizable, I begin to go from the literal information to perhaps something symbolic of something else. However, I always tell them to keep the information in the back of their mind, in case they find out later what it may mean.

If I see pearls it may mean someone on the other side owned pearls. It could be that her name was Pearl or that there was something valuable but perhaps hidden, since pearls are found inside certain shells. I try to press the spirit communicator to provide a little more information if the message is unclear.

I would like to say that you can push some magic button and one day you will wake up and receive accurate and evidencial information that stuns you and others. But I have not found it works that way. It takes time, dedication, establishing a relationship with your Guides, confidence in your ability to receive messages, and practice. The more you receive information that can be verified, the greater you will have confidence in your ability to receive accurate information.

Last year on January 8th while I was meditating, I decided to tune in and see if Elvis would come through, since it was his birthday. I am not really in the habit of communicating with celebrities, but occasionally they come through. This time Elvis obliged! He chatted a bit about what he had learned about fame. I asked him to tell me something I could verify on Google, but would not necessarily just know already. He told me that he suffered from vertigo! After he left, I was able to verify that yes, indeed, he did suffer from vertigo and someone had decided to tell about it.

Another time when I still worked full-time at the Post Office, Eleanor Roosevelt came through. I am not completely sure why she came through while I was working, but apparently I was in a receptive state at the time. We chatted a bit, and then, once again, I asked her to tell me something I did not know but could verify. That was fairly easy for her to do, since I didn't really know that much. She told me two things. The one thing is that she used to enjoy high tea and would have high tea at the White House and the other was that she had a lady friend who may have been more than a friend. In my ingnorance, I did not know what high tea was, but Google did, and sure enough, high tea was her thing. Later, I was watching a documentary about her and the other thing she told me was mentioned.

If you are practicing your skills at receiving intuitive information and you really don't have anyone to practice on, using celebrities is a good way to practice! Pick a celebrity you don't know or are not really familiar with. Ask to be given some information you can verify on Google or other search engines! Not all celebrities will comply, but someone will. If they loved fame in life, they are probably still around and would love to play this game.

Years ago a relative worked at the White House for awhile and arranged for us to take a tour. As we walked through, I saw many paintings of presidents and their wives. I always find it fun to connect with people in paintings and see what they say. As I walked through the halls of the White House, President Ronald Reagan practically jumped out of his painting! He was "dying" to talk! He was very friendly and we chatted a bit. I looked around and tried to get another president to come out for a chat but no one else seemed interested. People on the other side have free will too!! I wondered to President Reagan if the spirits ever got into arguments based on their differing political leanings and he just laughed. He said that is not exactly how it worked.

Whether you are honing your skills at Tarot, mediumship, or psychic information, or whether you are considering getting a reading, these are some important considerations.

We can only communicate information we are given. We are not circus animals. All of us who receive information may receive information differently and our Guides are all different too! Something you hear from one psychic cannot necessarily be verified or disproven by another!

We all connect differently and our own beliefs and prejudices will affect the information that comes through. It would be really hard for my Guides to explain the laws of physics through me or do a complicated math problem! It is not my specialty! If I don't know a particular breed of dog I will not be able to tell you what kind of dog your favorite pet was, but I may be able to tell you his or her personality or possibly what his health problems were. Someone more familiar with breeds may get the breed. I recently connected with a client who wanted to know the breed of a particular dog I saw with her dog on the other side and I told her the size, the color, and the length of his legs and she ascertained the breed. She shared that her dog passed within a short time of her neighbor's dog, who fit my description. Apparently they were together on the other side!

Connecting with Spirit is a work in progress. The more you practice and connect with your Guides, the better you will be at receiving messages. If you are more interested in receiving a reading, it is important to find the right spirit communicator. If you feel drawn to someone, try them first! Not all people are energetically compatible. For me, it all depends on the energetic connection I am able to form and whether that person trusts me or not.


I would love to connect with you!

I have a variety of free gatherings, both by Zoom and in Winchester Virginia where I call home. I also do private sessions to assist you in navigating life, assist you in healing wounds of the soul, connect to deceased loved ones or pets, and offer guidance on a variety of subjects.

If you are interested in booking a private session with me, you can do that HERE.

If you want to book a session, but you don't know what you want or want to see what events I have coming up, you can find the answers to those questions HERE.

If you want to check out my books, you can find descriptions and links to their Amazon pages HERE.

If you think I am generally awesome and just want to donate to my work because my free stuff has blessed you, you can do that too! Click HERE.

Thanks for reading to the end!!

I appreciate you and thank you for being a part of my work!


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