4 min read
Energy Forecast January 2022
As we end 2021, we enter into a new phase of our collective experience of life in the Earth realm. We have a habit of saying goodbye to...

3 min read
Accessing Inner Strength
Normally I chat about the energies of the month somewhere near the first day of the month, but this month seemed different. I couldn't...

4 min read
Numerology and Other Tools of Divination
Numerology is the study of numbers and how specific important numbers like our birthday, for example, give us clues about our strengths,...

6 min read
You Are Not a Victim
This little chat is not exactly what you think. As a psychic, medium and Shamanic energy healer I see a variety of clients for a variety...

3 min read
November - The Quest for Truth
As I tune in to the energies of November, I am feeling an intensity and urgency to discover truth. This coincides with my go-to tools,...

4 min read
Finding True Love
Questions about love are in the top two of things people want to know about when setting up a reading with me. "Am I ever going to find...

3 min read
September: A Time to Rethink Your Purpose
After the intense energy of August, many of us are hoping for a bit of rest and renewal in September. This may or may not play out in our...

3 min read
August is Upon Us!
These cards look a little scary at first glance, and they can be! August is an 8 month, and we are in a 5 year. 8 + 5 = 13. For...

2 min read
Themes for July 2021
July is upon us! Every month offers us a new opportunity to experience a different theme, a different energy expression, and to manifest...

3 min read
I Don't Normally Chat About Astrology, but...
.....today the moon is full, it is a super moon, and it is in my sign of Capricorn. I am the first to say .. I am not an astrologer. I...