October - 2021 - Themes

October is a month of changes. Being the tenth month of the year, in numerology and in the tarot, ten is the number of changes. Unlike the five, which also has a theme of change, the change is often a bit slower and possibly more predictable or even planned. We know that when October rolls around the weather is going to change some. Here in Virginia, the leaves begin to glow bright reds and yellows, the air is a bit more crisp, and we will probably experience our first frost. But these changes are predictable. They are welcomed by many, and feared by others, but fairly predictable.
As I have mentioned in previous blogs, 2021 is a year of change. The numbers add up to 5. Five is the number of fast, sometimes unpredictable change. So the theme of October is adding to the yearly theme. But when you add the five from 2021 and the 10 from October, you get 15. and 5+1 is 6. In numerology, 6 is the number of relationships.

In the tarot, both the 6 card and the 15 card represent relationships. The difference lies in whether that relationship is feeding your soul or holding you captive.
When you take these themes of change, relationships, freedom versus control, you will find the theme for October.
Whether this plays out in a love relationship, a work relationship, a friendship, your relationship with a job, an organization, a religion, a political party, or some other connection you have in your life, this month is a month to examine how you fit into the dynamics of that relationship.
Is it still feeding your soul?
Does it make you feel good?
When you think about your relationship with a certain person or organization, what is the first emotion that comes up? Does that emotion expand your sense of joy or feel like a rock in the pit of your stomach?
This month, take some time to examine who or what you align yourself with. Does a belief or passion still resonate with you? Do you feel joy when you think about it or them?
How are you feeling about your relationship with yourself? Are you happy with your path in life?
Although we often go through times of re-examining relationships we have with people, organizations, belief systems or ourselves, this month the energies of spirit are encouraging you to really spend some time focusing on how aligned you are with your soul's purpose and those who are traveling your life path with you.
Some re-alignment may be necessary.
October this year is my fortieth high school class reunion. I don't even recognize the person I was when I was eighteen. I spent a little time examining who I am now versus who I was when I was eighteen. Would I even know anyone? Would anyone know me? What would we talk about?
My senior year of high school, my parents sent me to a Mennonite-run high school, mostly because I found it difficult to relate socially with kids my own age. Public school was a disaster for me. I often battled depression. Perhaps they thought I would find myself.
I was the only one in the school who was not Mennonite. I was also extremely shy and barely got to know anyone in the school. My only claim to fame was that I was one of the few students who had a car, so I was often the one who was tasked with carrying as many as I could fit into my Galaxy 500 (that is a car, not a phone, to my younger readers.) and going into town to our favorite hangout, Spanky's.
Somehow the organizers of the reunion found me, and I ended up in an email thread about the reunion. I learned that many of my fellow classmates were happily involved in Mennonite service activities. I am happy that they have found themselves in their faith. It was not that easy for me. I am not sure how they would react if I told them I was a medium and Shamanic healer of the soul.
Ultimately, I decided to leave the shy, non-Mennonite version of myself in their memories and skip the reunion. Perhaps that socially anxious little girl is still in there, afraid of what people outside of my circle will think of who I have become, or perhaps I am just okay with the person I have become, and have no need to look back on a difficult period in my life. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
Anyway, I tell this story to illustrate how we reinvent ourselves many times during our lives, and often are catapulted, face-first into the mirror to reflect on the various reflections we find there.
This month, you may experience your version of my class reunion story. It is okay whatever you decide. If you are comfortable with the person who stares back at you in the mirror, YAY YOU! If there are some adjustments needed, then join the club.
The relationship we have with our own soul is the one who navigates all of the other relationships we have with friends, lovers, children, work associates, and even the grocery store clerk. The version everyone else sees is the one you have created. Are you happy with the you they see?
If you could use some help navigating those changes, you can set up a private session with me, or attend any number of my free gatherings. Check out my message of the day on social media, or explore my books on various spiritual subjects.
We are all creating the next best version of ourselves. Every day is an opportunity to create anew.